Egwin Ertl
About Myself
I was born and raised in Austria and started to ask questions at a very young age based on my experiences that no one around me was really able to answer.
So I started to look for answers in physics, biology and different philosophies and started practicing martial arts and meditation, soon to be followed by Qigong and Kinesiology. This was almost 30 years ago.
Over time I developed a massive interest for a great number of different modalities, reaching from self improvement to therapy, from martial arts to dance and eventually natural movement and from consciousnesswork and meditation to energy work.
After highschool I studied medicine for a couple of years but eventually decided to stop, since different experiences led me to the conclusion that I wanted to teach and show people how to improve themselves and become independent rather than being stuck in a broken system that seems to mainly treat symptoms and suffering, doing very little to actualy prevent problems in the first place.
After practicing meditation, Taiji Quan, Qigong and Bagua very intensely for many years and still always learning new methods and ideas I realized that the most important things that one can learn from all of those approaches lie in their foundation and the basic principles they use or are build upon.
Peeling off the skin of tradition, and mental constructs that were often added for a number of social, philosophical and historical reasons and often twist the basics into a complex shape that lost much of its potential simplicity and effect I always went looking for the core.
Eventually I decided to go "system free" and look for those fundamental principles wherever I was able to find them in science, experience, movement, therapy, consciousness and whatever other name a field of study is called.
Between 2000 and 2015 I taught Taiji Quan, Qigong, Bagua, martial arts, meditation, energy work, natural movement and sports in my own courses and workshops and worked with companies in health programs and burnout prevention workshops.
From 2011 to 2015 I've been running two 2,5 years long teacher training programs for consciousness-training, energywork and natural movement.
After an intense development time peaking in 2015 to 2017 I returned with more vision, new ways, ideas and drive to move forward in creating my own approach to help people understand how their body, mind and consciousness work and how to support them in getting the most out of it.
This led to Beyond Systems.
Scroll down to see what people say about me and my work…
MY mission
I was always looking for a bias free non “distorted” clear way of understanding life in it’s full expression. The physical, psychological and energetic spiritual are of equal importance to me as I see them merely as different layers of expression of my soul. Hence my focus is just purely on working, applicable ways of development and health without all the unnecessary add ons of culture, and distorted methods of dogmatized systems. We are free and we don’t need complicated systems to train ourselves or develop spiritually, emotionally or physically.
A clear understanding of the human form and of consciousness without added on symbolism or ideas that serve anything else than the understanding and development of one self. Working with basic principles we develop understanding and the ability to consciously create our lives in the body, our minds, energy and consciousness.
I teach basics of the human body and consciousness and how to develop to advanced stages of using them as human beings.
This can lead to improvements in wellbeing, life performance, fun, positive experiences, more energy, better movement and good sense of connection with ones own possibilities and strengths while increasing authenticity.
My work is available in workshops, retreats, regular classes, one on one sessions, online entry courses and for those of you who whish to spread the word about those open possibilities also in teacher training programs all around the world. It’s the how we do things that is different and that opens up so much more possibilities and true individual potential.
Why Beyond Systems
Over the years of working with different systems I realized that questions like; which one of them carries more truth, is more effective, or is “the” only one you need don’t make a lot of sense since none of them are truly holistic. Most systems, or old training methods like Yoga or Qigong etc., are designed with a very specific purpose in mind which already limits their reach. Additional factors are cultural aspects of where they have been developed and so on. Even modern methodologies like different styles of breathwork, Zoga, FRC, animal locomotion and so many more never fully bridge all aspects of being a human being on a developmental journey.
However, since all of them have one thing in common, which is that they work with varies degrees of focus on the following aspects the human body, human energy, mind, emotions, and in general consciousness, most of them do use the same or at least quite similar fundamental principles.
Looking at those rather than the systematics that are build around them, enables you to find an approach that helps to unlock the possibilities of the human form and of consciousness outside of the restrictions of systematics or culture. In a way this is working with what you truly have instead of adding unnecessary concepts to the equation that only engage the mind and more often than not distract from the true possibilities.
“ Beyond Systems is a way to work with what you have, and develop it!”
Background - Systems I practiced/ Methods I learned
Healing Arts
- Chi Nei Tsang (daoist detoxifying organ massage)
- Pranic Healing (prana and color energy work)
- Energetic Massage (various techniques)
- 5 Years of Western Medicine Studies (not finished)
- Energetic Osteopathy
- Shiatsu (Basics)
- Meridian Massage
- Indian Pressure Point Technique
- Chackra Healing
- Axial Symmetrical Energy Work
- Druid Gate Point System
- Systemic Energy Work
- Kinesiology
- Shamanic Healing
TCM (traditional chinese medicine)
- Wai Qi Liao Fa
- Acupuncture
- Acupressure
- Moxibustion
- Cupping
- Gua Sha
- Tuina
- Anmo
- Alexander Technique
- Biosynthesis (body-oriented psychotherapy/ basics with various teachers)
- Postural Integration (some experiences)
- Feldenkrais (Basics)
Martial Arts
- Basics in Judo, Karate and Shaolin Kung Fu
- Taiji Quan Old Yang Style
- Taiji Chen Style
- Yi-Quan
- Baguazhang
- Some Free Concepts
Other Traditional Methods
- Qigong (various systems out of buddhist and daoist traditions) since 1990
- Yoga
- Aerial Yoga
- Andor (celtic movement styles)
Other Movement Disciplines
- Ballroom Dance
- Contemporary Dance (Basic)
- Contact Improvisation
- Fireplay (Poi, Fan, Staff, Sword)
- Rockclimbing
- Swimming
- Freediving
- Surfing
- Skiing
- Iceclimbing
- Natural Movement
Personal Development/ Energy Work/ Connection/ Philosophy
- Human Energetic Work (system free)
- Geomancy
- Daoist, Buddhist, Vedic, Celtic, Egyptian, Hawaiian, Shamanic- Philosophy
- Coaching
- Meditation (various traditions)
- Breathing Techniques
Additional experiences
- Fitnesstraining
- Kinesiology
- Reiki
- Family Constellation Work and general Constellation Work
What people say about Egwin and Beyond Systems
Michele LaMothe
Jin Shin Jyutsu & Frequency Specific Microcurrent Practitioner
Monday mornings (for 4 plus years) is a wake up call. Why? It’s Zoom time with Egwin Ertl on Patreon. Mission possible - to wake up personal potentials to live life to fullest, to wake up getting to know and help myself. I first discovered Egwin on his youtube channel. Who is this person who can role model in exquisite scenery & explain the basic subtle nuances of basic movements? Curious, I took his 6 week online course “Foundation Builder”. I learned that it is possible to sustainably change debilitating patterns. From the beginning all of me said “YES”. I will make this journey of exploring consciousness with Egwin. Since, have participated in several online workshops including: stretching, breathing, meditation, emotions, New Year’s resolutions. I’ve experienced all the benefits listed, unfolding gently and qualitatively progressing joyfully. Egwin is fun, motivating, professional, preciously present, perceptive & artfully communicates positively. We spiral together & unwind the accumulated infections, stress & trauma of life’s offerings to sequence the clarity, the coordination and comfort of moving naturally. There are always new doors of perception & intuition to open. Keeps me going. I hope you will join us on this voyage to experience the easy grace, the flow. PS i chased the dream of snowboarding without fear!
The more I work with Egwin the more I see the immense value that his system has. Truly if implemented could change the way someone feels on a daily basis, how someone reacts to different situations and how someone intends to move through the world. Something that I love about Egwin's teachings that in many ways they correlate with the blue zone projects and how people in the blue zones of the world, living to 100 plus healthy years have been found to have very active intentional free activity and movement throughout the day! And Egwin uniquely has expertise in connecting intention and movement which is awesome!! (MD Dr. Andres Zuleta owner of SAMASTA Health non profit for integrative medicine)
Beyond system stands for its meaning. You are whole, made of many organ systems and movement plays a big role. It is all about understanding the impact movement has on your physiology so you can consciously leverage movement to create the life you want.
This is what I took away after working with Egwin doing movement exercises series at the 2018 Welcare Summit, in Tofino Canada. Egwin has shared a transformation through movement that I had never heard or experienced anywhere else. Thank you. With Egwin, you deepen your intuition, enhance your consciousness and spirituality through movement. And along the way, you will learn the deep scientific reasoning behind each movement you will do and how it affects your body and mind. Beyond system, beyond what I knew even being so active and exercise conscious. (Joselyne John - Adult Sleep Science Coach and Nurse)
Egwin is a fantastic guy on the cutting edge of movement patterns. His holistic approach truly gets results and his passion shines through very clearly resulting in great impact! (Bhavisha Devchand-Professional Athlete)
If you are really serious about your own development and if you feel that movement will play a big role in that, but you don't see yourself in any of the "standard" boxes of sport, fitness or other "systems that have a clear frame of behavior inside of them, Egwin is your person to go to. His years of personal hands-on experience in different fields, ranging from therapeutic movement over dance and martial arts (and probably many many more that I am not aware of) coupled with a big part of conscious development that integrates body, energy, emotions, mind and spirit, helped him develop such a deep understanding of this aspect of "being human", which really transcends any "systematic" approach and focusses on the core principles of personal development, such that with it you can find just the right path to go that is the perfect fit for the one person you need to care about in this journey most: yourself. Listen to what he has to say, let it sink it, listen again - and if you get the chance: Work with him personally - I promise you, it will be an experience like no other - and it comes with a solid *no-Bullshit-guarantee*. Just be prepared to take responsibility for yourself, or at least get ready for it, otherwise he might eat you for breakfast... :)
(Mag Max Weichert - Professional Coach)
Other References
Companies I've worked with:
Technical University Graz
KNILL Holding
Energie Steiermark
Land Steiermark
International Appearances:
2019 onward - teaching in multiple studios in Bali (Ubud Yoga Centre/ Taksu Spa/ Titi Batu/ Yoga Barn)
TEDx Speaker
Fit Sport Kongress Saalfelden Austria 2019 (Presenter)
Radiant Wellcare Summit 2019 in Canada (Co-Founder and Presenter)
Fit Sport Kongress Saalfelden Austria 2018 (Presenter)
Radiant Wellcare Summit 2018 in Canada (Co-Founder and Presenter
Taiji and Qigong Congress Germany 2010 (Presenter)